Happy new year everybody!! 2 0 2 3 (as they say) Even though I observe a different new year. January 1st is nothing in the scheme of the Universe and cosmic cycles, but we have been compelled to follow it and that can be harnessed today. The past year has been a big one, 2022 it's called in the counting - these calendars are rather fickle and arbitrary.
As you know, I do a lot of work to discover the actual Cycles of events in our world and the whole reality. As an astrologer (discreetly) and “amateur" astronomer and rocket scientist, I know the planet Earth and every other orb are providing a huge but secret clock for humanity. What time is it? I’ve been seeking the start and end of things. It’s fundamentally important.
We have been through crisis after crisis. I hope you are waking up to what's really happening. They've labeled it officially as a Recession, globally. I declare "it's heading for a Depression". Not only that, many parts of the world are already being dragged into the World War battles (world war 3 as they count it). The proverbial Armageddon is finally upon us. Not to be all pessimistic and negative though.
When I carefully meticulously studied the signs in the Sky/Outer Space, it reveals that the turning point is now. The Hour is nigh. This is the time to shine and promote Peace, to offset the War. Have a happy new year, take care of yourself and share the love and peace (while you can)
So when you get a chance, read the next file. You don't have to do it right away, please get to it by September or October... at the latest. It gives you a solid example of the communications which are opened with the powers that be in our global, international, political structure. Not that they are the only persons who can make change, but it is one of the necessary items on the to do list.
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