Monday, December 14, 2015

2015 December- Shylah for you, from Agapa

coconut drinking at the primitive living show

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Ginseng Royal Jelly vitality tonic

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

ABS Abdominal Crunches Yoga Fit Hotness for Sexy Body Mind Spirit

Emlila & Ahgamen Kyyboa HOME-Birth Arajah 3 Home Birth, unassisted Pregn...

Friday, October 16, 2015

Kyyboa position on MARS... Mars water is Ephemeral Brine

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Sleep Dreams of Touk: woke up before dawn, in the tent, my son was also ...

Sleep Dreams of Touk: woke up before dawn, in the tent, my son was also ...: This is the first post, I presently am creating this blog or online journal/diary/log.  We're going to have fun. Here is what I reCALL...

Monday, September 14, 2015

Rosh'Hashana Good Morning Forgiveness Yashua 5776 MysterEy1

Sunday, September 13, 2015

"Sun is Rising" (Geronimo version2) Emlila kyyboa 2014 Music Video Belly...

UFOs over New Mexico skies!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Cardiovascular Heart Healing Herbal Tincture Hawthorne & Oatmeal w/ Mola...

Peter Appleseed's Food Show: Healing and Body Mind Spirit connection (video)

Peter Appleseed's Food Show: Healing and Body Mind Spirit connection (video)

Civilogy Instituto: Sharp Teeth? Morality or Philosophy regarding Anim...

Civilogy Instituto: Sharp Teeth? Morality or Philosophy regarding Anim...: [replying to Samien in the comment to the previous post]   The sharp teeth is a dead giveaway. That is one of the physical traits to look for... in the animal mammals. But what about the insects and spiders and other types who eat each other? They don't have to have teeth. They can have tentacles, poisons they secrete, or pincers in their mouth/mandibles. There are many designs to the bodies.

It is true we need to go a little further than Civilogy can go, in the sense that these questions are beyond the science.  They go into ethical and philosophical levels of thinking.  This is where Kyyboa comes in.  Yet we must FIRST do a full civilogical study. Then we will be ready to do the Kyyboa level of thinking. Kyyboa is the way which can find out what is right or wrong. It is the higher Wisdom.

SO what would I say from Kyyboa consciousness?

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Peter Appleseed's Food Show: Animal carnivores... Wtf

Peter Appleseed's Food Show: Animal carnivores... Wtf: So, Ive been thinking about animals eating eachother... In my opinion, its not amuzing at all and it angers me to the point where i want to ... ???

Thanks for the question. I have thought of this same mystery many times before. 
I think animals eating animals is just a matter of competition in some way. In another way, it is more specific than just competition. That is because not every animal eats animals. Some are vegetarian. Yet they get eaten by the carnivores. This is not competition, this is "murder", it's killing, it's war. 
Why do they do it? It seems they are just murderous creatures. It seems they are created to be that way. How did it start? Why did they get made that way?
In the theories of evolution, the scientists come up will all sorts of ideas. Some it has to do with survival. Some it they talk about in terms of keeping the vegetarians healthier. As if the carnivores only go after the sick and ill. Or the perfectly healthy young, which are slower and more vulnerable.. so therefore it has nothing to do with giving the herd any benefit. 
The real reason is in the realm of the spiritual. This violence we observe in the animal kingdom is coming from the spirit level. It shows that some animals are inhabited by evil spirits. I wish I could explain it better. But there is no way to explain, justify, or make it simply understood. It is a strange thing about our planet Earth which we first need to accept, before we are able to change it.
All this needs to be taught to the carnivores and then they can start to choose to change their ways. It will not be an easy task, but it will be worth it.

Global Horsepower 3.0: War and Children: How to teach them

Global Horsepower 3.0: War and Children: How to teach them: Unfortunately, this is a hard subject to face.  It is very controversial.  This is why we are going to cover it. I have to thank the...

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

MicroCandy ~ microcandy ~ micro-candy: Well the previous post was too personal. Let's get...

Children are the future of the world  MicroCandy ~ microcandy ~ micro-candy: Well the previous post was too personal. Let's get...: Microcandy is about eating yummy stuff. Microcandy is the treat you eat (and Macrocandy is the virtual world you explore)  Microcandy is a ...

WW3 according to Civilogy, in relation to kyyboa holy spiritual journey

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: Film Project is coming along!

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: Film Project is coming along!: I'm working hard to get the film project together. Preview of the promo On KickStarter Site I'm hoping for your support to ma...

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Three-person Babies One Man + Two Women = Polygamy

Civilogy Instituto: Civilogy and Love more about this in relation to "...

Civilogy Instituto: Civilogy and Love more about this in relation to "...: Yes the One. and in that is also defined the Love. Love is oneness. As the President of youtube made it the motto, Unity for Utubia! Unity ...

Civilogy Instituto: Civilogy & Love

Civilogy Instituto: Civilogy & Love:  I believe that the student of civilogy is led to loving all in the universe. You want love - you got to be love. You want unity, you got to...

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Two Worlds in Conflict Old and New, where does kyyboa Stand for the Future

Published on Jan 29, 2015
There are two worlds which are different, I try to explain. It is why I work so hard right now with all the paperwork and business, etc. I am not in one world or the other. I am in both worlds. Kyyboa is a part of both.. Yet we seek a future with is perhaps a third way, a third world which has not been experienced before this..

Monday, January 26, 2015

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: KYYBOA kyyboa

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: KYYBOA kyyboa: some beats for getting in the mood of dance and then meditation. kyyboa is a word.

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: Free dance

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: Free dance: I want you for the film project! details coming soon!!!

Global Horsepower 3.0: Only Three Groups of Humans

Global Horsepower 3.0: Only Three Groups of Humans: There are only three groups of humans in the whole world, at the present time (or any time in history, as far as we know)  These three (3) g...

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: Hello Everybody! Announcement

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: Hello Everybody! Announcement: We are getting ready to do a big project for Ecstasy-Yoga.  We are looking forward to your involvement and help with funds... FUN*Ds, that i...

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: Free dance

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: Free dance: I want you for the film project! details coming soon!!!

Promo for Ecstasy-Yoga with Emlila Kyyboa

Whether it was pregnancy, working hard, or general aging, a woman has to maintain her health.  Being healthy is important for life.  You can be more beautiful, vibrant, energetic, and increase your longevity.  Best way to do it is Ecstasy-Yoga and BellyDancing.  That's right... more info here Ecstasy Yoga youtube channel

Presented by EnternetGlobal EntertainmentGiant