A basic search on google, yahoo, bing, duckduckgo, or other search engine, for the person=name: Edmund Haffmans will yield quite a few results from the world wide web. Cf. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=Edmund+haffmans A deep web search will garner even more on this illustrious public figure. This Edmund Haffmans is somewhat of an activist and social engineer. I know this, not merely from the internet search; it’s from about 30 years of friendship and interactions. He and I also have mutual friends in Pete Seeger (now deceased) and Joel Tyner, formerly Dutchess County Legislature. He also casually knew avant-garde artist, Jennifer Kate Capps (now deceased) and Julia Walsh, formerly New Paltz Trustee. I mention this background because the rabbit hole goes deeper.
This is description I posted on recently uploaded video on my newer (c.2019) youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTjjG0kbBVs : Edmund Haffmans’ Home (formerly a chicken coop) — his primary residence, an old house being renovated | Tasciotti movies | Milkyy Media Syndicate Edmund Haffmans raw, rough documentary with an intro clip featuring Carol Antun and Agaman aka… Carpenter Peter “appleseed” Tasciotti helps with the building of Edmund Haffmans’ ol’ chicken coop of a house. The foreman on the job is? forgot name. Edmund of course would remember. I was too busy on the cosmic level… and the building of it all. There are many more documentaries from Milkyy Media and the archives of Tasciotti. Goo-tube deleted 8000+ videos but they will never get the original copies! Those are protected by magical power.
This is more info, published to my blog as well as movie project websites: Edmund Haffmans Home | Tasciotti Director | Milkyy-Media
“Sir Edmund the Strange”
Appearing in a documentary of Truth
This unique character goes by the name of “Sir Edmund the Strange”. He has been knighted by himself, because he is some kinda royalty (Sarcasm intended?) But Tasciotti aka. Agaman (sp.Ahgamen) has known Edmund Haffmans as a friend for about 30 years, since the early 1990's! That’s a long-time however of late, there is some strife. Before we get into that legal scenario, let’s watch the movie and get some background. Starting with the fact that Tasciotti has frequently over the years rendered hard-labor for Edmund Haffmans without monetary compensation. In other words, factually speaking and definitely a statement of truth — Haffmans has gladly used the physical work and skilled services of Tasciotti (carpenter, builder, artist) on multiple occasions and at multiple locations/job-sites for NO MONETARY COMPENSATION, meaning that Haffmans did not pay anything, he paid no money to Tasciotti. This was according to the spiritual principles of Tasciotti, as you can observe and listen to within the first ten minutes of this video — the Convo between Tasciotti and Reverend Carol Antun. What Tasciotti was rendering in work and labor (legally not known as EMPLOYMENT) was also a part of an endearing friendship between himself and Edmund Haffmans. This was not an arrangement which was intended to be then disrespected nor taken-advantage-of by Haffmans who, after all is said and done… well you can watch all the documentary material and decide for yourself! Many more videos to be released for your edification. EDification! Note: All rights reserved, under First Amendment and N.Y.State “one party consent legal statute”
If you are new to my personage and individuality, my raison d’etre, my magnum opus, then let me “give it to you in microchip” — movies have been my major interest and pursuit, even to the extent of being a career goal, since the earliest part of my childhood and certainly since adolescence. Movies and documentary in particular are my life’s blood and indeed I made a living from doing so, under the auspices of the 2007 inception of the Youtube partnership program. Due to google’s nefarious and over-reaching policy decisions, that business venture was unilaterally ended in November 2017. Remember that time period, because it will factor-in later.
What’s very interesting and perplexing, to say the least, after thirty years of interactions, is that Edmund Haffmans has delivered to a Federal court of record, a sworn affidavit stating a litany of facts about me. This document is now in the public domain on the official record. In this literal attack against my character, he nonsensically states that “Tasciotti has no movie studio, Tasciotti has no movies” (to that effect). Nothing could be further from the truth. See, https://www.pacermonitor.com/public/case/40654917/Tasciotti_v_Trew_et_al USA Mississippi Southern District Court Case #: 1:21-cv-00209
What’s even more bizarre is that Edmund Haffmans is not a party to that particular action — he is not an original defendant, although now he can be made into one, at least by impleader. Could it be that he is being manipulated by a shadowy force who made him submit the affidavit? Could that be GLORIA S. YUN? Gloria Sun Jung Yun is a fake right-wing Bible-beating attorney-wanna-be. Or would the affidavit of falseness originate by Haffmans’ own volition? As you would already know from his prolific entries into politics and activism, he does like to stick in his two cents (where it doesn’t belong).
I have held my tongue about him for the past two years in the strife we are in. Mind you, never said a bad word about him in the past 30 years. But this essay is just scratching the surface of the situation with Haffmans. I have come to the conclusion that his kind of “false communism” has to be exposed. And I do not intend to encourage any bias in you, dear reader, so get the info from both sides, all sides. Haffmans is now going to be on the witness stand after all. If you want to reach out to him, you can respond to any of his highly idealized editorials in the multiple news outlets and journals he has frequented. You can also reach him directly by his thinksolar email at yahoo. That email name, it’s the other thing you need to know about him, which I am sure he wants everybody to know. Edmund Haffmans THINKS SOLAR.
Here’s the truth which should be revealed about his form of activism — he merely “thinks solar” and does not “do solar”. The rub is this, I used to look up to Edmund Haffmans, with all his quasi-religious pagan teachings. Ever since the 1990’s, he’s been going on about solar, solar, solar. Haffmans had attended college at S.U.N.Y. New Paltz back in the 1980’s (not sure if he graduated or not). He was big into solar power as a student and continued with that theme. The activism impressed me very much. I am surely into solar and in fact, I use it everyday (I am living off the grid [actually because of Haffmans’ cruelty]). In a very weird twist of fate, this mentor of mine turns out to be the biggest hypocrite ever. Wow! Not only did I find out he just gives lip service about solar power activism, but he used that drivel to deprive me and my family of our essential services.
In closing, here is the basis of my disdain with Edmund Haffmans and any so-called political activist or protester or whatnot — he based his life and word upon pointing out the ills of the American system; he’s one of those who you have never seen waving an American flag because he loathes the culture and the government so much. In July 2019 (right after the Los Angeles earthquake), I was coming back from California to New York state. Edmund Haffmans had recently procured (yet another) tax auction property in Ulster County — cf. all the public records about those. This property he told me repeatedly he did not know what to do with it. He implored me to come up with ideas. Gladly I stated that I would repair it and convert it to a solar-powered showcase, as long as he would help in a collaborative effort. Our contractual agreement was to partner on this, my family would do the labor and Haffmans was to provide the materials. In the process, we would then exchange the deed and he would get back his equity. My sweat equity would get my family and me, a permanent place to live, with a lower carbon footprint and sustainable. This was our agreement.
In late Summer of 2019, my family and I began the arduous work of fixing and repurposing the place. Mind you, the 7 years abandoned property was dilapidated and damaged by a fire. The toxic fire clean-up which we rendered was alone ten-thousand dollars worth of fire damage remission. We endangered ourselves to do the repairs and property improvement! I continued to pour many more thousands of items and supplies into the property. Yet as time went on, Edmund Haffmans did nothing. He spent zero dollars as required by the contract, yet he had promised in the beginning to be an integral part of installing the solar powered system, both photovoltaic and passive solar heated water. He only went as far as gaining some estimates from large solar power companies in September and October 2019. To this date, he has done nothing and is in breach of contract. He continues to deny deny deny that he supported the plan to collaboratively convert the whole place into a solar showcase. He denies that he stated proudly to us, “Nobody wants to see this made into a solar power home more than I do”. (careful about that quote, because it is in the negative — I would paraphrase that as “I want to see that made into solar power home more than anybody else”) See, https://dockets.justia.com/docket/new-york/nyndce/1:2020cv00671/124660 Case on administrative closure due to non-prejudice, pending DOJ review
The damages and harm to my family and I are catastrophic. My dissatisfaction with the friendship and betrayal by Edmund Haffmans will reach to the high heavens. This must be resolved in order for there to be peace. It is a complex matter and the Society at large must become involved in the solution. This is your invitation, you are summoned.
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