Monday, November 23, 2020

Ahgamen keyboA_: Whats a WALK-IN the New Age concept Psychic realm

Ahgamen keyboA_: Whats a WALK-IN the New Age concept Psychic realm: WALK-INS: Who are they? What  happens in the case of a walk-in?   Some background snippets from the web research: Some people believe that a...

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Ahgamen keyboA_: Today what is an Ahgamen? It's THE Ahgamen.

Ahgamen keyboA_: Today what is an Ahgamen? It's THE Ahgamen.: NOTE: not to be confused with THE Ahgamen, agamen is a species of lizard, popular as a house pet in Germany and other countries.  Lizard?  ...

Monday, October 26, 2020