Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Civilogy Instituto: Civilogy and Love more about this in relation to "...

Civilogy Instituto: Civilogy and Love more about this in relation to "...: Yes the One. and in that is also defined the Love. Love is oneness. As the President of youtube made it the motto, Unity for Utubia! Unity ...

Civilogy Instituto: Civilogy & Love

Civilogy Instituto: Civilogy & Love:  I believe that the student of civilogy is led to loving all in the universe. You want love - you got to be love. You want unity, you got to...

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Two Worlds in Conflict Old and New, where does kyyboa Stand for the Future

Published on Jan 29, 2015
There are two worlds which are different, I try to explain. It is why I work so hard right now with all the paperwork and business, etc. I am not in one world or the other. I am in both worlds. Kyyboa is a part of both.. Yet we seek a future with is perhaps a third way, a third world which has not been experienced before this..