Monday, January 26, 2015

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: KYYBOA kyyboa

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: KYYBOA kyyboa: some beats for getting in the mood of dance and then meditation. kyyboa is a word.

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: Free dance

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: Free dance: I want you for the film project! details coming soon!!!

Global Horsepower 3.0: Only Three Groups of Humans

Global Horsepower 3.0: Only Three Groups of Humans: There are only three groups of humans in the whole world, at the present time (or any time in history, as far as we know)  These three (3) g...

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: Hello Everybody! Announcement

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: Hello Everybody! Announcement: We are getting ready to do a big project for Ecstasy-Yoga.  We are looking forward to your involvement and help with funds... FUN*Ds, that i...

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: Free dance

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: Free dance: I want you for the film project! details coming soon!!!