Thursday, January 29, 2015

Two Worlds in Conflict Old and New, where does kyyboa Stand for the Future

Published on Jan 29, 2015
There are two worlds which are different, I try to explain. It is why I work so hard right now with all the paperwork and business, etc. I am not in one world or the other. I am in both worlds. Kyyboa is a part of both.. Yet we seek a future with is perhaps a third way, a third world which has not been experienced before this..

Monday, January 26, 2015

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: KYYBOA kyyboa

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: KYYBOA kyyboa: some beats for getting in the mood of dance and then meditation. kyyboa is a word.

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: Free dance

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: Free dance: I want you for the film project! details coming soon!!!

Global Horsepower 3.0: Only Three Groups of Humans

Global Horsepower 3.0: Only Three Groups of Humans: There are only three groups of humans in the whole world, at the present time (or any time in history, as far as we know)  These three (3) g...

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: Hello Everybody! Announcement

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: Hello Everybody! Announcement: We are getting ready to do a big project for Ecstasy-Yoga.  We are looking forward to your involvement and help with funds... FUN*Ds, that i...

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: Free dance

Ecstasy-Yoga and Belly Dance: Free dance: I want you for the film project! details coming soon!!!

Promo for Ecstasy-Yoga with Emlila Kyyboa

Whether it was pregnancy, working hard, or general aging, a woman has to maintain her health.  Being healthy is important for life.  You can be more beautiful, vibrant, energetic, and increase your longevity.  Best way to do it is Ecstasy-Yoga and BellyDancing.  That's right... more info here Ecstasy Yoga youtube channel

Presented by EnternetGlobal EntertainmentGiant